Corey Hermanson and Perfecting Deep Web Technologies
How does someone go from being an aspiring sports writer to having…
Open Data vs. Web Content: Why the distinction?
For those who are unfamiliar with our line of work, the difference…
Will Bushee on Deep Web and Open Source Data Technology in 2017
Our Deep Web and open source data technologies are a tremendous…
BrightPlanet: The Vision for 2017
Some are always searching for truth. Truth-seeking is what helps…
Using BrightPlanet’s Compare Function to Analyze Data in Daily News
The fiery 2016 election cycle brought increased wariness and…
Techniques for Assigning Dates to Web Content: What Was the Publish Date?
When making sense of a web page's raw text, one of the ideal…
Social Media Data - Instagram Pulls Back on API Access
Social media monitoring programs need to be adaptable and open…
Rely on Social Media Content at Your Platform's Peril
Social media content can tell us a lot about the nature of any…
Five Online Data and Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) Trends to be Monitoring in 2017
Online data and open-source intelligence are increasingly becoming…
CASE STUDY: How Tagging and Data Harvesting Helps Keep You Updated on Life Events
Our lives are ever-changing. Many, if not all, of us will experience…