
All websites are not created equal. BrightPlanet knows how to harvest the exact data clients need, whether it is Deep Web, Dark Web or Surface Web content.
BrightPlanet provides terabytes of data for various analytic…

Interview with Mikhail Shengeliya of Eagle Alpha: OSINT Data Collection Challenges & Solutions
Will Bushee, BrightPlanet's Vice President of Technology, recently…

We harvest a lot of websites for our clients, but how do we know which sites to harvest in the first place?
BrightPlanet has provided terabytes of data for various analytic…

Visualizing a Terror Group using Named Entity Tagging
We recently received a request to analyze news focusing on Lashkar-e-Taiba,…

Mapping Bitcoin Metrics Across Deep Web News and Sentiment with Tableau
Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies, have been a hot topic of…

The Washington Post Reporter Uses AMPLYFI to Research North Korea
BrightPlanet’s Data-as-a-Service (Daas) isn’t just for large-scale…

EVENT: An Engaging Opportunity to Learn About Deep Web Data Extraction
Content and data. What do these two words have in common? Maybe…

WEBINAR: Search, Ingest, and Analyze Open Source Data
Open source data is full of potential. But one of the biggest…

Patty Suedbeck: The Ins and Outs of Data Harvesting Accounting
Wearing many hats is nothing new to Patty Suedbeck. Patty refers…

Webinar Recap: Building an Online Anti-Fraud Open Source Monitoring Program
Fraudulent activity. Suspicious transaction. Discrepancies.