2014 Global Law Enforcement Tweet-a-Thon, #poltwt, is Back

The 2014 Global Police Tweet-a-Thon hosted and created by LAwS Communications is back. Starting Friday, June 27, at 12 a.m., law enforcement agencies around the world are invited to connect via Twitter and participate in a 24-hour Tweet-a-Thon using the hashtag #poltwt. We’ll be harvesting #poltwt data and releasing an analysis of the results next week.

#poltwt serves as a digital ride-along and creates awareness about police work and issues while at the same time promoting the use of social media in everyday policing. For this year’s Tweet-a-Thon, organizers want to step it up a notch and have challenges that include: Best Selfie, Best Video, Best Hangout On Air, and Best Overall Innovative Use of Social Media.

BrightPlanet Tweet Analysis

After the Tweet-a-Thon on Tuesday, July 1, be sure to check out our analysis of the final results here at our Deep Web University. Just like this year’s Tweet-a-Thon, we promise to step up the coverage and analysis.  We will feature interactive visualizations and new analytic categories we haven’t covered before.

Take a look at some of our posts and analysis from the last few Tweet-a-Thons:

[INFOGRAPHIC] Final Results of the #POLTWT Tweet-a-Thon

Final Results of #POLTWT Tweet-a-Thon

Get more information about #poltwt here. 

