Webinar Recap: Using OSINT to Stop Fraud and Counterfeiting

Yesterday we held a webinar for risk managers, fraud examiners, and security professionals on utilizing data collected from the Web to help stop online fraud and counterfeiting. BrightPlanet’s Kaitlyn Killoran presented on how fraud and risk managers are currently using Web data and how BrightPlanet’s AuthentiWeb can help increase efficiency for fraud and risk managers. We recap some of the items Kaitlyn covered in this post.

Using OSINT to Detect Fraud and Counterfeiting

The ACFE 2014 Report to the Nations featured a study that maintained companies that implemented proactive fraud activities (such as monitoring of Web content) saw 60% less costly fraud investigations and also had a 50% shorter investigation duration than companies that had a merely reactive investigation component. This shouldn’t be surprising to hear as now it’s more important than ever to start utilizing Web data in investigations.

In the webinar, Kaitlyn covered four areas that current customers are using public Web data (open source intelligence aka OSINT) to assist in creating proactive programs.

  • Monitoring Suppliers – Use public OSINT to monitor events that can potentially interrupt production or global events that can affect your brand.
  • Competitive/Market Intelligence – Collect public data from your competitor’s websites to discover new trends among your competitors, see whose hiring for new positions, or compare brand perception.
  • Track Operational Risk Events – Utilize OSINT to stay in front of operational risk such as health and safety or potential manufacturing defects.
  • Track Fraud and Counterfeit Goods – Harvest and analyze public Web data to track whose selling your goods online and identify which of those websites may be fraudulently selling them.

During the webinar Kaitlyn explained how these can be completed using BrightPlanet’s AuthentiWeb and OSINT.

Want to watch the whole webinar and learn how to use BrightPlanet’s AuthentiWeb to help prevent risk? Request the webinar recording using the button below.

