[WhitePaper] Understanding the Deep Web in 10 Minutes
What is the Deep Web and why should you care? Whether you are…
Data from the Deep Web Accelerates Healthcare IT Adoption
Health IT adoption is a hot topic in healthcare. Many healthcare…
What industries can benefit from leveraging Big Data from the Deep Web?
Many businesses and institutions know about Big Data and know…
Pharmaceutical Fraud and Counterfeiting - Finding a Deep Web Solution
A recent Business Week article titled "Inside Pfizer's Fight…
[Whitepaper] Harnessing the Deep Web for Healthcare Research
In our latest whitepaper we dive into how healthcare research…
Big Data, the Deep Web, and Election 2012
In the days leading up to and following the election, there have…
The Twitter Election - Which candidate is going to win according to Twitter?
As with every presidential election, reporters, media and analysts…
Iowa vs. Ohio - Which candidate was most talked about on Twitter?
Tomorrow is election day and we have compiled the Twitter data…
Romney wins the third debate on Twitter, Iowa gets fired up
The third and final debate is in the books and compared to the first and second debates, the conversation was less active. Obama was more discussed before the debate but Romney improved the most, coming out on top during the debate in terms of Twitter mentions.
Increasing Research Efficiency: Case Study for Big Data and Healthcare
A new theme in the healthcare industry is “translational research.”…