Entries by bluemonkeydev

Harvesting and Enriching Web Data in Multiple Languages

Being in the business of harvesting content from the web and delivering the data in a usable format, we are often asked if we’re able to deliver data in multiple languages. The easiest answer to that question is yes, we can harvest and enrich content in any language online, but today we’ll dive into more specifically how we […]

Utilizing Data-as-a-Service for the Mining Industry

We are finding many different industries are able to capitalize on Data-as-a-Service (DaaS). In this post we’ll uncover how a mining company is using BrightPlanet’s Data-as-a-Service model to monitor the Ebola health outbreak to keep their expatriates informed and out of harm’s way with the use of one dataset.  You’ll see what type of data is […]

How Deep Web Harvesting Isn’t Your Traditional Web Extraction

At BrightPlanet, we receive a number of questions about how BrightPlanet’s technology differs from our biggest competitors. People will commonly see companies like Kapow and Connotate and assume that our technologies are in direct competition. In reality though, they’re not. In this post, we hope to give you an understanding of how extraction companies and […]

Clearing Up Confusion – Deep Web vs. Dark Web

Earlier this week, Forbes released an article titled “Insider Trading on the Dark Web”. BrightPlanet was mentioned within the article, and BrightPlanet was introduced as a company that collects content from what is called the Dark Web.  While we appreciate being mentioned in Forbes, there are a few definitions we want to clear up for […]

BrightPlanet Launches Data-as-a-Service Solution

On Wednesday, March 12, 2014, the World Wide Web officially turns 25 and the exponential growth of the Internet is showing no signs of stopping. As of February 2014, the Pew Research Center estimates that 87% of American adults now use the Internet regularly. The importance of the Internet as the largest, single open source […]

The Deep Web: What was House of Cards Talking About?

On February 14th, 2014, Netflix released the entire second season, a total of 13 episodes, of their hit drama series House of Cards for Netflix subscribers’ streaming pleasure.  Discussion of the recently released House of Cards season took over the Internet as Netflix proved competent at not only offering content for subscription services, but creating […]

2014 Big Data Prediction #2: Big Data Will Go External

In 2013, people were beginning to understand the true potential of large data sets. We began to see companies that were successfully using internal proprietary data sets to help increase revenue. Retailers were increasing their target marketing utilizing data from current customers, car manufacturers relied on sensor data to report potential issues with vehicles, and […]